Saturday, October 26, 2013

One of the most ugliest movie posters I've ever seen!

No, I'm not an indie-horror fan, and up until this poster showed up I was considering starting to watch a few. But that's not gonna happen judging by this ugly-as-hell poster for stupid-as-heck indie-horror flick Roadside Massacre. The heroine is probably really gorgeous in the movie (like they all are in standard slasher flicks) but the poster is not doing a very good job conveying that, clearly. 

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

BBM Re-released on Android and iOS. Good One, Blackberry.

Blackberry screws up their cellphone development line, and as a result, in what I consider to be a frivolous attempt at trying to save itself from more failure, launches BBM on Android and iOS. For emphasis: this app allows you to chat with people via a cellular device. There is a joke to be made here and I'm not the one to make it. I'll leave that to all the non-Blackberry advocates. 

Already annoyed at the amount of notifications I get on Whatsapp, now I have to endure endless BBM pin status messages on my Facebook timeline. FFS!

"Color Me Rad 5K" - Are You Insane?

Hey, I dig colour as much as the next guy. I'm an artist, so you've gotta give it to me on this one. I adore colour, vibrancy, hue, saturation and whatnot, but what's the deal with this Colour Me Rad event that's been going around?

I've never been to one of these events and probably never will considering the event's shady background. It's a 5K run full of youngsters (mainly consisting of hyper and mildly-intoxicated youths around my age) that run around like rabid chimpanzees while being bombarded by streams of colour. Whoa. Hold on a second. This festivity seems awfully familiar. It feels like, oh I don't know, a bastardization of the Hindu festivity called Holi.

The organization promotes the event by claiming that it will make you happy and improve your life as a result. I mean hell, if I was asked to pay $50 to run around with a bunch of overly enthusiastic, uninformed, materialistic, and spoiled hippies, I'd be happy too--actually no I take that back. I'd be f***** depressed!

If only I could stop there. It'd make my life so much easier, but no! It doesn't end there. Apparently, Colour Me Rad is an openly for-profit organization, so the companies that are sponsoring the event are getting something in return. Word's been going around that over 90% of the funds CMR raises goes to everybody BUT the cause it so prominently supports.

I have my reasons to not support this event and these reasons are entirely unique, I assure you. Many people have scrutinized Colour Me Rad, but all for the wrong reasons.

I'm totally sold to the fact that it "brings people together" and "brightens up the spirit". These are great things attached to the backwash of this 5K that we desperately need in our society but is this how we're going to do it? If there's spirit that needs raising it's in Syria where youths of the same age are being slaughtered every day by the hundreds. Don't give me that, "Oh it's people like you that are bringing all the negativity into the society." < - This accusation is pointless, without logic, and a reflection of denial - the trait all guilty ones exhibit. It is also highly inefficient to try to bring change into a society that is going downhill for reasons no one wants to admit, then expect to make better a society that desperately needs help.

It's time we all woke up!